Casting Stones

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7b

Without sin.... this was a bold statement against the Pharisees and scribes. These men were powerful and made themselves above everyone with their power. They were also hypocrites, and Jesus knew this. They wielded their power to judge others for the same acts they committed themselves. Here, we see them using this woman to tempt Jesus. They thought they had outsmarted Him and put Him in a no-win situation. They reminded Him of the Law and waited to see if He would uphold it or go against it. However, for what power they had, He had more. Bringing this woman caught in an act punishable by death to Jesus would show His followers just who He was, they thought. It did, but in a very different way than they had hoped.

Jesus neither condemned nor excused her. He simply made a statement....without sin.

Who among you are sinless? None. Who among you has the power to judge this woman for an act you yourself have probably engaged in. None.

What did Jesus write in the sand? Many scholars believe He wrote the names of the accusers' girlfriends, others believe he was writing the law they so boastfully proclaimed. Whatever He wrote, it gave her accusers time to think and to see that Jesus was not so easily intimidated.

Following this profound statement, they turned and left. The seemingly no-win situation they proudly constructed fell apart at their feet. They had no other recourse. Their unmentioned sins brought their downfall and they knew it.

However, the sinless Son of God who could condemn her didn't. He fulfilled the mission in which He came for - compassion. He acknowledged the accusation against her and then gave her grace. Go and sin no more.

Who have we cast stones at? Whose downfall have we celebrated so that we could puff out our chests with our own filthy righteousness?

We are called to share the same compassion and grace that Jesus had. It is not our job to condemn, but to love. This story is a perfect example of this. 

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