Being Judas

But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.  Luke 22:21

And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly. John 13:27

But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss? Luke 22:48

Yesterday in children's church, we were discussing the events of this week from Palm Sunday to Easter. While talking about the Last Supper, the betrayal following it and the subsequent death of Judas, I was asked this question - "Did Judas go to Heaven?".

Let me tell you, teaching children's church is not for the faint of heart. You may think you can skate by on limited knowledge, but they will know and smell your fear!

I buffered the question with questions of my own to engage thinking and reflection. However, it made me think as well.

Jesus fed his disciples one last meal and washed their feet to show humility and to provide for them one final lesson. Your betrayer may be closer than you think. Jesus knew and even told Judas to go do what he was to do.

Yet, he still washed his feet.

What do you think Jesus thought of as he washed Judas' feet? How do you think Judas felt, watching the Son of God humble himself as a servant and wash his feet only moments before he counted the cost of his life as 30 pieces of silver.

We can't be too hard on Judas for we have often betrayed Him. We take the sacrifice He made for us and trade it for wealth, success, pride, fame, or even entertainment.

We are also a Judas to other believers. We sit at their table, saying all the right things, smiling and nodding all the while knowing that we will betray them for our own gain - whatever that may be.

We also have a Judas at our table. Are we willing to humble ourselves knowing of their betrayal to wash their feet?

This week, take time to read the scripture about the events leading up to the resurrection with fresh eyes. See each detail, like Jesus washing the feet of his betrayer, and the pain inflicted by the cat of nine tails to gain a better understanding of what the Son of God went through for us.

Then, try to be more like John than Judas.


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