A Life Transformed
Ane be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
Last night during our Bible study, Bro. Steve spoke from Romans 12. One statement he made gave me a pause. He said that we need to be self-feeding. To do this, we need to renew or transform ourselves from what the world says to what God would have us to be.
The pause I had was that so many Christians look to others to give them the answers rather than searching for them out or seeking God's will. It's easier, it requires less commitment on our part, and if we search long enough, we will find the answer that fits what we really wanted.
Many of us see the greener grass of other churches (or Christians) and feel that we could be more spiritual if we worshiped their way. However, what we may not see is the busted septic tank under the surface. Sure, it may appear good on the outside, but the inside is full of chaos and sinful living. In Matthew 23:27, Jesus called this type of life "whitewashed tombs".
The USDA places signs throughout parks, nature areas, and basically anywhere animals and humans coexist that ask us not to feed the animals. The reason is that human food is not healthy for certain animals, and it can create an aggression/reliance that can cause other health issues. Animals are natural foragers and instinctually know what they can eat. They are self-feeders. However, when presented a cheeseburger, they will not always turn it down. (Me neither Mr. Bear, me neither).
Conforming is easy - transforming, not so much. The caterpillar could remain as it is and conform to being half of what it was meant to be. However, it's transformation into a butterfly requires patience, work, and a willingness to become what it was created to be.
Just like Mr. Bear, we need to seek out our own food. God didn't create us to conform or mimic what others are doing. God gave each of us a calling and a purpose - we need to seek it out and live it.
Now, go forth and seek out the transformation God has for you!
Last night during our Bible study, Bro. Steve spoke from Romans 12. One statement he made gave me a pause. He said that we need to be self-feeding. To do this, we need to renew or transform ourselves from what the world says to what God would have us to be.
The pause I had was that so many Christians look to others to give them the answers rather than searching for them out or seeking God's will. It's easier, it requires less commitment on our part, and if we search long enough, we will find the answer that fits what we really wanted.
Many of us see the greener grass of other churches (or Christians) and feel that we could be more spiritual if we worshiped their way. However, what we may not see is the busted septic tank under the surface. Sure, it may appear good on the outside, but the inside is full of chaos and sinful living. In Matthew 23:27, Jesus called this type of life "whitewashed tombs".
The USDA places signs throughout parks, nature areas, and basically anywhere animals and humans coexist that ask us not to feed the animals. The reason is that human food is not healthy for certain animals, and it can create an aggression/reliance that can cause other health issues. Animals are natural foragers and instinctually know what they can eat. They are self-feeders. However, when presented a cheeseburger, they will not always turn it down. (Me neither Mr. Bear, me neither).
Conforming is easy - transforming, not so much. The caterpillar could remain as it is and conform to being half of what it was meant to be. However, it's transformation into a butterfly requires patience, work, and a willingness to become what it was created to be.
Just like Mr. Bear, we need to seek out our own food. God didn't create us to conform or mimic what others are doing. God gave each of us a calling and a purpose - we need to seek it out and live it.
Now, go forth and seek out the transformation God has for you!
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