God's Sorrowful Creation
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6-8
Man was God's greatest creation. He made mankind in His image and for one purpose: to glorify and worship Him. However, in chapter 6 of Genesis, we see that God grieved His creation. Man had become wicked and turned his heart from his creator. In this day there was violence, perversions of all kinds, corruption, and demonic worship. (Sound familiar??)
Now, keep in mind, God did not lose control of His creation nor did their wickedness surprise Him. God knew, and He still created us.
But Noah. Two simple words with a plethora of meaning. Yes, mankind was evil and had turned from Him....... But Noah. Noah found grace in God's eyes. Was he perfect? Far from it. But he walked with God and did not follow the ways of man. He stood for what was right despite the evil around him. Noah lived in a wicked day surrounded by evil and corrupt men, yet he found favor. He was the man for the hour and for a task few would have taken on.
Today, we are surrounded by evil, corruption, perversions, and even demonic worship. Do we, as Noah, stand with God, or with what comes easy? Do we share the light to a lost and dying world or do we often hide it when the going gets tough? Do we go along with the sin, knowing that God is not pleased with it or us?
Stand for Him in a day when many are bowing. Don't be part of the creation that God takes sorrow in but strive to be a Noah in the corrupt day we live in. Do this so that when we stand before Him, it can be said that we found grace in God's eyes.
It takes courage and His strength, but anything good is worth the effort.
Man was God's greatest creation. He made mankind in His image and for one purpose: to glorify and worship Him. However, in chapter 6 of Genesis, we see that God grieved His creation. Man had become wicked and turned his heart from his creator. In this day there was violence, perversions of all kinds, corruption, and demonic worship. (Sound familiar??)
Now, keep in mind, God did not lose control of His creation nor did their wickedness surprise Him. God knew, and He still created us.
But Noah. Two simple words with a plethora of meaning. Yes, mankind was evil and had turned from Him....... But Noah. Noah found grace in God's eyes. Was he perfect? Far from it. But he walked with God and did not follow the ways of man. He stood for what was right despite the evil around him. Noah lived in a wicked day surrounded by evil and corrupt men, yet he found favor. He was the man for the hour and for a task few would have taken on.
Today, we are surrounded by evil, corruption, perversions, and even demonic worship. Do we, as Noah, stand with God, or with what comes easy? Do we share the light to a lost and dying world or do we often hide it when the going gets tough? Do we go along with the sin, knowing that God is not pleased with it or us?
Stand for Him in a day when many are bowing. Don't be part of the creation that God takes sorrow in but strive to be a Noah in the corrupt day we live in. Do this so that when we stand before Him, it can be said that we found grace in God's eyes.
It takes courage and His strength, but anything good is worth the effort.
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1 Comment
I want to be found faithful and find grace in his eyes. I want to be a vessel that can be used and he can depend on. I will stand for my Lord as my dear daddy used to say "Sink, drown or swim." Thank you for sharing!