Self-Righteous Thanksgiving
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus within himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. Luke 18:11
Don't you just love self-righteousness? It teems with arrogance and justification. This Pharisee just oozed self-righteousness in his prayer. Sure, he was in the temple praying as the Jewish custom was. The difference is who he was praying to and why he was praying. With his words, he likened himself to Jesus. "I am not like other men" - I interpret these words to say "I am perfect in all that I do and I am better than anyone around me". This prayer was not a prayer to God but a prayer to himself to arrogantly show others just how perfect he is. His words, however, condemned him and revealed his true character.
Tax collectors in biblical times had a reputation for having little moral guidelines and often took more than allowed. However, this publican was a different type of man. He acknowledged his sin and begged God for forgiveness. He came with a humble heart in prayer to an almighty God for repentance. Although his prayer was short, it was powerful and should be our prayer each day. We should understand just who we really are and that we, as the publican, must rely on God's grace and mercy.
Prayer is communication with God. It's how we express our thanks, our love, and our worship. When you pray today, pray as the publican and not the Pharisee.
Don't you just love self-righteousness? It teems with arrogance and justification. This Pharisee just oozed self-righteousness in his prayer. Sure, he was in the temple praying as the Jewish custom was. The difference is who he was praying to and why he was praying. With his words, he likened himself to Jesus. "I am not like other men" - I interpret these words to say "I am perfect in all that I do and I am better than anyone around me". This prayer was not a prayer to God but a prayer to himself to arrogantly show others just how perfect he is. His words, however, condemned him and revealed his true character.
Tax collectors in biblical times had a reputation for having little moral guidelines and often took more than allowed. However, this publican was a different type of man. He acknowledged his sin and begged God for forgiveness. He came with a humble heart in prayer to an almighty God for repentance. Although his prayer was short, it was powerful and should be our prayer each day. We should understand just who we really are and that we, as the publican, must rely on God's grace and mercy.
Prayer is communication with God. It's how we express our thanks, our love, and our worship. When you pray today, pray as the publican and not the Pharisee.
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