A Call to Action
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34
You would have to live under a rock right now to not know it's election time. When I was younger, it was television ads and yard signs. Now, with modern technology, we are bombarded with candidates' names and words on every front. Calls, texts, emails, and even ads on the games we play on our cellphones. Even as I am writing this, Facebook sent me a notification from McDowell County Board of Elections with a voting alert.
Proverbs 14, in my humble opinion, is a very good read for times such as this. It provides reminders to us for seeking wisdom, believing what we hear, and what fear of the Lord will provide for us. Verse 12 reads, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
Verse 34 begins with the bold statement to do what is right if you want your nation to flourish. It tells us that true greatness is not in accomplishments or accolades, but in doing what is right through justice and faith. To be great, the leadership must place justice and rightness over pleasing man. There can be no one greater than another. The flip side of this is sin and the consequences and shame it brings.
Before you go to the polls, read this chapter, pray for wisdom, and vote God's way. Man's promises fail, but the word of God stands.
You would have to live under a rock right now to not know it's election time. When I was younger, it was television ads and yard signs. Now, with modern technology, we are bombarded with candidates' names and words on every front. Calls, texts, emails, and even ads on the games we play on our cellphones. Even as I am writing this, Facebook sent me a notification from McDowell County Board of Elections with a voting alert.
Proverbs 14, in my humble opinion, is a very good read for times such as this. It provides reminders to us for seeking wisdom, believing what we hear, and what fear of the Lord will provide for us. Verse 12 reads, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
Verse 34 begins with the bold statement to do what is right if you want your nation to flourish. It tells us that true greatness is not in accomplishments or accolades, but in doing what is right through justice and faith. To be great, the leadership must place justice and rightness over pleasing man. There can be no one greater than another. The flip side of this is sin and the consequences and shame it brings.
Before you go to the polls, read this chapter, pray for wisdom, and vote God's way. Man's promises fail, but the word of God stands.
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