Through It All
Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. Job 1:20-22
The children's church lesson for January was on Job. As I recapped the story for the kids, I came to rest on verse 22. Through the loss of his wealth, his children, and his respectful standing in the community (not to mention that woman he married), the first act Job performed was that of worship.
I would love to say that when devastation comes my way my first thought is that of worship. However, I fall short more often than not. I am not proud of this nor is this how I want to be.
Job had the right idea; we will not take any material possessions from this life with us and it's all God's anyway. We often lose sight of the fact that what He chooses to give us is a blessing, either way. The good and the not so good. He entrusts us to use these blessings to minister to others and to reflect His love. Just as Job worshipped as a wealthy man, he also worshipped during the lowest part of his life. Even when his friends came around, Job retained his worshipful integrity.
Through the ups and downs of life, we need to be reminded that God is an amazing God, He will walk with us, and never changes. So, with this in mind, let's work to make worship our first thought in everything.
The children's church lesson for January was on Job. As I recapped the story for the kids, I came to rest on verse 22. Through the loss of his wealth, his children, and his respectful standing in the community (not to mention that woman he married), the first act Job performed was that of worship.
I would love to say that when devastation comes my way my first thought is that of worship. However, I fall short more often than not. I am not proud of this nor is this how I want to be.
Job had the right idea; we will not take any material possessions from this life with us and it's all God's anyway. We often lose sight of the fact that what He chooses to give us is a blessing, either way. The good and the not so good. He entrusts us to use these blessings to minister to others and to reflect His love. Just as Job worshipped as a wealthy man, he also worshipped during the lowest part of his life. Even when his friends came around, Job retained his worshipful integrity.
Through the ups and downs of life, we need to be reminded that God is an amazing God, He will walk with us, and never changes. So, with this in mind, let's work to make worship our first thought in everything.
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