Not Ashamed
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16
There's a young man at a local grocery store that never fails to say God bless you and Jesus Saves as you leave his register. While other young adults his age are talking about their activities, music, or the newest trend, he is sharing the love of Christ with those he interacts with.
It's very humbling to say the least.
In this verse, Paul is reiterating his stand on preaching the gospel of Christ. Even in the face of disdain the Roman leaders had for the gospel, Paul is not ashamed because he has first-hand knowledge of the saving grace found there. What the Romans called foolishness Paul saw as the good news that needed to be shared and the only hope for salvation.
So, why do we struggle to share this hope? For some, it is very easy and simply rolls into our daily conversations. Others struggle with the interaction, the fear of rejection, or even the confidence to be bold in the face of sin.
I once heard it said that if we truly believed what we say we believe, the gates of hell could not stand against us in sharing this hope. We would be bold, just as Paul was, and our testimony would encompass our conversations.
This young man shares a simple faith to everyone he encounters. His impact may never be known to man, but it will be made. With just a simple parting phrase, he shares a hope that many in our community needs to hear.
Today is a good day to share this hope. Will you?
There's a young man at a local grocery store that never fails to say God bless you and Jesus Saves as you leave his register. While other young adults his age are talking about their activities, music, or the newest trend, he is sharing the love of Christ with those he interacts with.
It's very humbling to say the least.
In this verse, Paul is reiterating his stand on preaching the gospel of Christ. Even in the face of disdain the Roman leaders had for the gospel, Paul is not ashamed because he has first-hand knowledge of the saving grace found there. What the Romans called foolishness Paul saw as the good news that needed to be shared and the only hope for salvation.
So, why do we struggle to share this hope? For some, it is very easy and simply rolls into our daily conversations. Others struggle with the interaction, the fear of rejection, or even the confidence to be bold in the face of sin.
I once heard it said that if we truly believed what we say we believe, the gates of hell could not stand against us in sharing this hope. We would be bold, just as Paul was, and our testimony would encompass our conversations.
This young man shares a simple faith to everyone he encounters. His impact may never be known to man, but it will be made. With just a simple parting phrase, he shares a hope that many in our community needs to hear.
Today is a good day to share this hope. Will you?
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1 Comment
We all need improvement on this. Especially me!